Vicks Vaporub is a very popular over-the-counter medicine which is normally applied topically to the skin for the relief of pain and cough associated with coughs. It is sometimes used to treat asthma, colds and sore throats. There is no evidence that Vicks Vaporub will actually cure cold or upper respiratory infections, but it can aid in alleviating cough and congestion.
The ingredients in Vicks Vaporub are propylene glycol (PG) and water. These ingredients work together in order to create an effective mouth wash that is known to be effective in treating and curing coughs. There is some evidence that the use of this over-the-counter medicine can be helpful in relieving cold and flu symptoms.
It should be used as directed. If you experience any symptoms or problems that are not addressed properly by using Vicks Vaporub, you should seek medical attention right away.
Some common side effects of the use of Vicks Vaporub include itchiness, irritation and burning of the lips. In rare cases, Vicks Vaporub can cause a condition known as “dry mouth”. This condition can make it difficult to speak. It can also be dangerous.
Other minor side effects of Vicks Vaporub include upset stomach, increased heart rate and dizziness. Because of these side effects, most patients prefer to use other over-the-counter medicines when they feel like they need to take a break. When used regularly and according to the manufacturer’s directions, these medications are generally safe and effective.
People who smoke should avoid using Vicks Vaporub because they have been shown to trigger coughing. People with cardiovascular conditions should not use Vicks Vaporub because they can increase blood pressure and affect the heart.
Using this product should not be combined with alcohol and caffeine. Drinking coffee or tea should also be avoided because they will intensify the effects of Vicks Vaporub. This product should be taken just before going to bed and before bed.
Although there is no scientific evidence to suggest that the use of Vicks Vaporub can cause cancer, some people might not feel safe using it. If you experience a headache, dryness of the throat or feel pain in your chest after using Vicks Vaporub, you should contact your doctor immediately. You should not use this product if you have diabetes, have a pacemaker or have heart disease.
Before using it on a sensitive area, make sure to clean the affected area thoroughly with soap and warm water. If possible, it would be best to use it on the front area only of your mouth.
Before trying Vicks Vaporub, make sure to drink plenty of water. This helps to flush out impurities that could be found in the nasal and throat areas.
Make sure to avoid touching the affected area with your hand. Use your finger or mouthwash. Don’t try to touch the affected area with the Vicks Vaporub tip. This is one of the main ways how Vicks Vaporub causes you to become infected.
If you have not had the recommended dosage or if you notice any strange signs or symptoms after using Vicks Vaporub, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the situation. You may need to adjust your dose to make sure you are getting the full results you are looking for.
Do not stop taking your medication abruptly if you experience side effects or have any questions. Vicks Vaporub is safe when used properly and according to the manufacturer’s directions.
When using Vicks Vaporub, make sure you keep your lips well lubricated. The mucous secreted by the sinuses when you inhale the vapors from the product will help the vapors to stay in the mouth.
The use of this product should be limited to people who have a healthy or good oral health. It is important to make sure you have proper dental care by visiting your dentist at least twice a year. It is also important to visit the dentist for routine check-ups in order to make sure you have no cavities or gum diseases.
Always remember to clean up any spills that are made when you are using Vicks Vaporub. Use a clean cotton swab and never put anything in your mouth that could cause you serious oral problems.